Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So, it has been a few weeks and I have not been able to post. but I just wanted to take a moment and talk about the blessings in my life. I was lying in bed last night with a million things on my mind and I just started to think about how fortunate I am and how thankful I am to be at this stage in my life. I think all too often I expect success, or my terms of success way too early in mine and Megan's journey.

As we are preparing to go back to Rome to serve on a mission trip, I was thinking about the people we will be working with and how rough there life has been and with no possible solution in sight. Being homeless at such an early age and not really knowing when money or food will show up....Wow...I just cant even really imagine that. I have always had food, I have always had clothes, transportation, safety, clean water to shower....and it's something I have always taken for granted.

I see people around me who deal with broken families way too often and have dealt with splitting time with each parent for years. I see kids who from the moment they were pretty much born have only had one parent present, I see brothers and sisters who hate each other, moms and dads who can't even stand the sight of each other. How fortunate I am to have escaped that and have had an amazing family my entire existence, thank you God.

As the Christmas season is upon us, how great a time of year it is for giving and receiving, as much emphasis is putting on giving, it's also important to allow yourself to receive. I have struggled with this many times, I don't like people spending money on me when it can go to someone else, but one thing I have learned is that people who want to give you something aren't doing it because they feel obligated they are doing because you are important to them and their life. Allow people to bless you and give to you.

I see young couples often who are either stuck in a sexually addicted dating relationship and can't escape, and I see married couples who seem so unhappy. All I have to say about that is "Put God at the Center".....stop fooling yourself. You can't do it without him there I promise!!! I am so thankful that I have the most amazing wife who loves God more than she does me. Who cares for me and cares for others. We are young yes but I believe we are on a good path for a healthy and LONG marriage......probably with multiple children.

So I know this is a very random post but take a moment and really think about the blessings in your life and I would love to hear back. Have a great day!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

5:30 AM

So as I was getting my leggings on and tying my shoes preparing to head out the door for my quick morning 2.5 miler, I grabbed my beanie and secured it on my head, usually I would plug my eyes with my staple white ipod ear buds and start out the door. However today I decided to go music-less, I enjoyed it very much.

As I started off down the wet & windy road, my mind started going to work. I began to think about Megan and all of the school work she has in front of her this week. Would we be able to spend some quality time together this week or would it week come and go in a blur as usual. Passing the half mile mark, I began to think about the cars that were passing me. Who each of those people were and where are they going this early in the morning and what is on their minds.

At the mile mark I start into some neighborhoods and it gets very dark....so I start thinking more internally since I can't really see anything. I began to pray and thank God for this day and allowing me to be able to run, I start praying for the day and certain people who come to mind. I ask God for guidance and direction on our fundraising for Rome. At about the 1.75 mile mark I get some light back and stop to stretch my early morning tight muscles, it is very quiet at this point there are very soft noises that make this all the more relaxing and enjoyable.

2 Miles in, I start passing more cars, so my mind naturally goes to protection mode and strategic planning in case of a necessary bail out to the ditch. With the wind at my back it is a nice push to the end of my run. Nearing the end, I am thinking about my new business venture, something quite tasty.......

I have to admit I really enjoyed my non-ipod, early morning run. So I encourage you rhythm addicted runners such as myself. Take those ear buds out for a run and enjoy the music around you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

"Just a Seson"

So I have to say I am loving this time of year, when the trees start to change into those gold, brown and red colors. the leaves start blanketing the ground. If only the clouds would dissipate and bring out the sunshine. I guess I can only wish so much.

Anyways I really do enjoy this time of year, maybe because it is nearing the holiday season. (I am a sucker for the Christmas season, thanks to my late grandfather). I also believe that around this time of the year there is much hope in the air for people. Not sure what it is, whether it is spiritual or just ambiance of the holidays. However it is very inspiring to witness in my mind.

So the titled phrase of this blog "just a season" is something that Meg and I have been hearing on a pretty regular basis and it's almost funny because we actually laugh about it quite a bit now when we hear it. But the great thing about it, is I really think it's God's constant reminder that life is just a season.....that we have very short moments to make the most of what we are doing or be with the people we are around. Don't waste those moments. As my dependence on God grows more each day I am learning that encounters with people are not coincidental they are strategically planned. So take a moment and spend some time with those you see everyday, ask them how life is, what you can pray for. Tell them about your life, give of your time to show compassion.

I am excited about what the next few months have in store, we are in a planning phase to go back to Rome and need lots of prayers......many logistics need to fall into place and much planning has to be done before we even step foot on a plane.....so please say a prayer for us.....and remember whatever you are in right now.....it is "just a season".......Amen

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lost Time

So it has been quite a while since I have posted, a lot has taken place. Life has truly gotten in the way. So I really have several random thoughts that I would like to get down in this post. So please just bare with me.

I would say I am probably going through a very deep spiritual growth session right now. Well let me just catch you up on where Meg and I are right now. I have started a new job....thank God....and Meg is right in the middle of an intense semester of school. We see it each other very little during the week due to schedules but certainly enjoy our time together on the weekends. We are doing well, just having to manage ourselves a little differently due to schedules.

So let me ask first of all, how many of you would say that you question on a regular basis whether you are doing what it is you feel like you are called to do? Whether you believe in God or not maybe you too have felt that you are meant to do something "Great". Well I would say that is what I have been dealing with more and more lately. I am sick and tired of feeling useless, it seems like I see my peers progressing in their endeavors but yet I am not. I say all this not to have a bad attitude but to strengthen my faith in God. I know he has a plan for my life and more and more it seems like a plan that I have no idea about.

I have a passion for working with people and helping those that are in need. It is time to step across the street and take some risks. What kinds of risks have you taken lately? I know I have taken none.....I ahve been living quite comfortably for a long time now and I am ready to take that leap of faith.

If you can relate with my mental struggles right now, please let me know what your thoughts are.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

AM Thoughts

So here we are again, it's early AM and I can't sleep. However there is a nice thunderstorm taking place outside so the background music is quite soothing, and Sam and I are holding down the cough. This week has been very interesting and mentally draining, however Megan and I went and met with Brian, Tina, Bree, and Spencer this evening at Aspen, it was a blast. Maybe the Mondo Granita is why I am still awake?.....probably should have considered that. 

I am really looking forward to Friday night, I believe God is given me a very special privilege and
I am looking forward to the experience. I believe heavily that change is on the horizon for Megan and I. I am anticipating some news to arrive very soon that will change things up for me a little bit and hopefully satisfy her as well. 

I am praying tonight for patience, understanding and "Horton" sized faith. Heavenly God you have never left me alone and I know you will never leave me in the future. Thank you for loving me. 

Jeff and Deanna are on my mind this evening. I hope things are going well for them in wintery Africa today. Well I am going to wrap this post up and try to get some sleep. Good Night

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Round n Round

So, I am having one of those nights you know when you place your head on the pillow and all of a sudden your mind is like a "slips" race from "The Fast and the Furious" minus Paul Walker and Vin Diesel. I just can't seem to get my mind to slow down enough in order to drift off into a nice deep sleep. I guess I do have a lot on my mind lately. 

Lately it seems like my faith in God, the one who created me, the one who gave his son for me, has been very much tested. I know God is there for me, I know that he has the best plan for me. But why is it so difficult to just simply live that. I am so tired of where I am in my life, outside of my beautiful bride and the love I have for her, I am so dead in life otherwise. Sometimes I think that is simply my fault, am I trying to ask too much too often? 

More times than not I feel like Denise from "The Cosby Show" always analyzing who I am and what I want to do with my life. Typically ending in something to do with helping other people in other countries. But why would God use me to do something like that when I can't even trust him completely now. 

So I decided to break up the lack off sleep by reading from Colossians 3. Paul is telling the church at Colosse that new life in Christ requires a higher standard of living. However in verse 15 it reads "And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are all called to live in peace. And always be thankful"

Thank you father for your constant reminders that life in you is eternal and knowing you provide peace is sufficient enough. Thank you for not making everything so simple, thank you for struggle, for making us better. We love you and are thankful. 

So now as I try to get some sleep, I will continue to pray for my anxiousness but most of all I know I have peace in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Next Please

So lately I have been very hesitant to get back on here and write something. My thought process lately has been very selfish and geared towards Megan and I's future. I have constantly been going to God for direction. I have such strong ambitions to work with those in need and lead people to Christ. I think so easily sometimes I tend to put God in a box and place limitations on his abilities and powers, which I think is very easy to do considering we as humans are only capable of few things. When God is capable of everything.

So why is it that I constantly wonder why God has me in a "holding tank". Why can't I just trust that he is doing something and preparing me for the next step. Does my mind not stretch that far? I strongly encourage anyone who ever might read these postings, If you are a Christ follower or not, I challenge you to stop for a moment think about the steps and phases of your life as much in detail as you can. Start writting down those details, as you go back over the details of your life I promise you will notice how each phase and step will amaze you as to how you got where you are.....if you are struggling with something maybe the steps of your life slowly led you down a dark street. Or maybe you have never been happier, and the steps of your life that you have chosen have blessed you beyond your imagination.

It is mind blowing how God strategically guides each one of us with the choices that are presented to us. One of my favorite things about our God is the fact that he enjoys it when we challenge him, thats right the God of the universe enjoys friendly challenges from his children. So I recommend that if you are a "prayer warrior" and you need a little change to your script. Challenge God with a particular area of your life, if you are anxious to find a new job and have been praying and praying for God to present you a new job.....maybe you need to dig deeper with your prayer maybe you should tell God that you need a job and are prepared to follow him wherever. Or maybe if you have been praying for a friend to come to know Christ and it just doesn't seem to be working out. Well maybe you should tell God that you are going to witness to that friend and you need him to give you the words to say.......I promise once you "kick it up a notch" in your prayer life you will start seeing changes.

Ok, so back to my orignal point...I tend to go off on tangents. If you are like me and are extremely impatient, give God your thoughts. Take some time to challenge him in your prayer life. And if you are not a follower and don't prayer that often.......maybe give it a shot, what do you have to lose. I will be doing my best to rely on God's perfect plan......and not force myself into it.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Faced with Lion's

Today is a new day, I keep having to remind myself of that. I find it easy to slip into a revene of self pitty. Have you ever been in one of those situations or just general times of your life that you feel your work is pointless and you are letting your true potential down?.....Of Course you have......we all go through those times in our lives......we are human.

I know I have an absolutely blessed life but what is it that always keeps me wanting and seeking for more? Is it the idea of "fun" or is the warm feeling of laughter and joy? Who knows......but what is it that we are always faced with when we start to question our "joy".......what we are ultimately faced with is a question of Faith. Every time I begin to feel sorry for myself I realize that my main concern in that moment is not who can I help more, what can I do to witness better, or even how can I devote more of my time to my relationship with the Heavenly Father. No, my concern in that moment is "ME"......my happiness, my joy, my comfort, my financial security.

How sad is that? My faith in my creator, my savior, my provider is limited to moments of happyness......As I read through Daniel 6 this morning and realized what faith Daniel displayed when the entire nation was suppose to only bow down and worship the king......Daniel continued to worhsip and honor God alone. As a result was cast into the lion's den and left for dead. The next morning the king awoke early anxious to find Daniel's mangled body, but when the king called for Daniel.....he recieved a response of Daniel telling him that his God, the Creator, closed the mouths of the hungry lions and did not even leave a scratch on Daniel. Talk about faith....this young kid sitting in a lions den in the pitch black, dark with hungry lions, but faithful and knew God would deliver him.

I don't know about you but I have been to the Zoo and seen lions being fed......it is not a pretty sight and even being on the safe side of the 20 feet tall fence is still intimidating. So my prayer today is faith like Daniel. Trusting that God will deliver us from whatever lion's den we are facing right now. Don't give up on him, he has never given up on you.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Step by Step

I don't know if many of you remember the era of "TGIF" which was a compilation of television shows on ABC in the early 90's which included shows such as Family Matters, Full House, Boy Meets World....etc....as well as a show called Step by Step.

Although this post is not in direct correlation to the show, some of the subtext will have a similar meaning. That show was a basic display two different families joined through marriage who have to start their new lives together and the steps they must take to work through their new family life.

As I sit here today writing to you, I am thinking about the steps each of us take to get to where we ultimately are meant to exist. After enjoying a great cinnamon crunch bagel this morning with Brian at Panera, I was reminded that life throws us curve balls and even sliders sometimes that are meant to build our character, make us work harder. I don't believe God ever meant for us to live life completely comfortable. If so, what would be our reason for seeking him?

Just recently I "tied the knot" with my beautiful bride Megan, we have started the whole process of creating our home. Well we had a minor set back yesterday when our dishwasher stopped working. Well we both worked on it for quite a while and I am ashamed to say that I am not the "All American Handyman Husband".......it still doesn't work......but I loved how we just sat there together and worked on it and were determined to have it running the way it supposed to once again. it was a good reminder that regardless of the steps we have to take to get somewhere, some maybe more difficult than others and some maybe be a simple snap of the fingers.......we are human and we were created with flaws and are meant to take things Step by Step to accomplish the task in front of us.

So keep working at your task at hand.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Getting Started

So, I decided to give this blogging thing a try....I am one of those people who constantly has thoughts and ideas running through my head and yes sometimes I speak them out loud although I do not typically have an audience.

So I simply titled my inaugral post "Getting Started" that is basically what I am doing. I recently got married and imagine I will be posting many thoughts on married life and my new lovely bride. So please check in every once and a while.