So far our staycation has been very busy and almost a GO GO!!! feel to it. We were able to spend a great day in Canton, TX digging through flea market treasures in the rain. We also had a good fourth of July with my family and some good home cooked, Mom food. Other than that it has felt like we have been going and going and going.
Today we volunteered at the coffee shop that our friends are operating, it was a blast we helped with the lunch shift. I was in charge of the guts of the sandwich while Megan, in her designer fashion, was responsible for dressing up the sandwich and making it presentable. It has been a lot of fun. I really do enjoy being able to get away from work while also being able to enjoy the things in my everyday life that I don't get to spend as much time doing.
My prayers lately have been for God to reveal to me a way to pursue the things in my heart and for me to be obedient to his timing. I have a lot of expectations and anticipation towards the marathon that I am training for but I am asking God to use me in a new way while training to reach those who need his grace. Sounds strange I know, but I feel as though I have been blessed with a passion towards this sport but not for my own benefit.
I want to encourage those of you out there who are looking at planning a staycation, it will be tough at times to see the vacation part in it, you may overwhelm yourself with plans that you want to accomplish, I strongly encourage you to make sure and take some time for rest. Allow God to speak to you, and have fun!!
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