Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Tri"ing new things

So my lovely wife has been encouraging me for the last 6 months or so to try a that I mean participate in a triathlon. Well I kind of joked at the idea, for several good reasons. 1 being I had only been on my road bike for a short time and had not had many opportunities to log very many miles. Well excuses all know the saying "they are the same as ______ everyone has one and they all stink". So my second excuse was that I am a horrible swimmer, that though is fact. I am able to swim, I do not drowned but my skill is not anywhere near Micheal Phelps, actually I am probably more like a stick drifting in the water, whatever happens happens.

Well she did it, she broke me. I am going to attempt my first triathlon on September 25th. I am excited, nervous and worried altogether. I am very nervous about the swimming. I know I can do the biking and am the least worried about the running. However I am worried about the swimming.

If you have any advice I would appreciate it.

Second of all I have decided that I am going to pursue my personal training certification, once again thanks to my beautiful bride. Megan seems to think I would enjoy assisting people with their fitness goals and healthy lifestyles.....I think she is on to something.

I am excited about it. I enrolled in a two day course at the end of August and at that point will take my certification test and hopefully pass. Megan and I hope to be able to work with couples who want to pursue a more active and healthier marriage as well as lifestyle through group fitness sessions.

I will be talking more about this I would imagine, also my training for the marathon is coming up. August second is my start date.

Have you participated in a triathlon before, or do you hope to?

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