Standing in the sand as the water, in steady sequence washes over my feet. Watching as the empty beach kept it's usual schedule regardless of the crowd. It's amazing how some repetitive noises will annoy us but others, such as waves crashing are considered soothing. Laying in a lounge that morning was different, I knew that by the end of the day my life would be different. For you see a year ago today my wife Megan and I were married on the beach in Destin, Florida....with no looming oil spill residue in sight...
Megan and I have had one amazing first year of marriage, she has been in school and I have maintained my status as Staff member at OSU. but what is great about our journey is that it all started several years ago as casual acquaintances. However the day that things really changed for us was in May of 2008. I had just ran the OKC Memorial Marathon which I bettered my PR by 20 minutes. A few days after the race my friend Jeff sent me a link of pictures from the race. As I clicked on the link the first image that popped up was of Megan in a pink Under Armour compression top and black Nike running shorts. I just sat back for a minute looked down at the picture count and it said there were well over 150 images and her picture was the first that appeared......All I can say is Thank You God!!!
My first thought was....."Wow she is a runner" of course I was suddenly more attracted to her. And then as any good guy does once they have a crush, I put her first name in front of my last name to see what it would sound like, sounds great to me....
Anyways in a few short months we were seriously dating and within six months we were engaged. It's funny how fast this year has gone and how fast our time has been together but how excited I am about the future. Looking back over our one year of dating/engagement and one year of marriage we have been blessed in so many ways it is not even fair. We have been on two mission trips to Rome, Italy. We have helped two of our good friends start a church in a rural town near by, we have welcomed a nephew into the family, most of all we have kept God at the center of our lives.
I know today's post is a little off subject of the Boston Marathon, but I would not be writing this each day if it was not for the encouragement from my beautiful wife. Megan has encouraged me every single day we have been together to follow the things I enjoy and she knows how much running motivates me and excites me. So thank you Megan for being my #1 supporter and my wife. I love you, Happy Anniversary
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